同學感受很深,亦獲益良多!旅程中一切安排很好!當中柬埔寨導遊 Phea 是我帶學生交流團近十年以來遇過最好的一個!熱情熱心,熱愛自己的土地,幽默而英文好。他的協助幫了當地服務與體驗很多!希望未來有更多合作機會。
柬埔寨暹粒服務學習之旅 - 2019
上星期偶爾與校長傾談匈牙利之旅,團內校長們都欣賞你們領隊的表現,不但擁有良好的英語及普通話,也有敏銳的記者觸角,分析力強,報導中肯,帶領香港人認識世界。 再次多謝你的行程設計與悉心安排,讓我們渡過充實又有意義的匈牙利之旅。
匈牙利一帶一路考察之旅 - 2019
Thanks very much for organizing the tour and I think without the work of Cannie and Yoyo, the job of the instructor would have been much more difficult.
North Korea Programme - The Peninsula's New Political Economic Landscape - 2019
Mr. FangThe Chinese University of Hong Kong
My heartfelt appreciation for everything that you have done for us including the detailed planning of the trip, the time consuming connection with all the different parties, the ad hoc arrangements for the various requests from each of you and all the daily and timely reminders for us. Looking forward to seeing you again soon and it will be a blessing for my students to have you to be their tour guide in near future!
Hungary Belt and Road Tour - 2019
Mr. TamTrue Light Girls' College
I am writing to express my appreciation to your company about a wonderful arrangement of the Hungary tour for our students. I would like to send a big thank you to Yoyo who was the tour mentor of this trip. She acted as a very good facilitator and thus successfully aroused our students’ desire to learn and do better. I have to say she is one of the best mentors that I have encountered.
Hungary Belt and Road Tour - 2018
Ms. ShumJu Ching Chu School (Kwai Chung)
Through their committed efforts and strong ties to different institutes in two Koreas, there are chances for intensive dialogues with local Koreans and in-depth understanding of their culture. We are particularly impressed by the passion and enthusiasm of the team in mentoring students and coaching them to develop insights in each encounter. The sincerity and commitment in training up and enriching students is much appreciated.
The Two Koreas: 2 Sides of a Coin - 2017
Ms. ChanYing Wa College